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MOD 2: Motorcycle Module 2 on-road test

The Module 2 motorcycle test (Mod 2) is the final stage of the UK motorcycle testing process, following the successful completion of the Module 1 test (Mod 1). Here's an overview and the process involved in the Module 2 test.

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Module 2 Overview

  • Purpose: Module 2 assesses your ability to ride safely and competently in various road and traffic conditions.
  • Duration: The test typically lasts about 40 minutes.
  • Structure: It includes an eyesight check, 'show me, tell me' vehicle safety questions, road riding, and independent riding.
  • Test Vehicle: You must use a motorcycle that fits the category for which you are being tested.
  • GOVUK official page

Module 2 Process

  1. Before the Test:

    • Documents: Bring your UK photocard driving license, theory test pass certificate, CBT certificate, and Module 1 pass certificate.
    • Equipment: Wear appropriate riding gear, including a helmet, protective jacket, gloves, and suitable trousers and boots.
  2. Eyesight Check:

    • You'll be required to read a number plate from a distance of 20 meters for new-style number plates, or 20.5 meters for old-style number plates.
  3. 'Show Me, Tell Me' Questions:

    • These are vehicle safety questions that test your knowledge of basic motorcycle checks and maintenance.
  4. Road Riding:

    • Involves riding on various roads and in different traffic conditions.
    • You'll need to demonstrate your ability to ride safely and make decisions independently.
    • Includes normal stops, an angled start (pulling out from behind a parked vehicle), and a hill start, where possible.
  5. Independent Riding:

    • Approximately 10 minutes of the test.
    • Assesses your ability to ride safely while making your own decisions, following either traffic signs or a series of directions from the examiner.
    • Going off the prescribed route isn’t a fault, but you must ride safely.
  6. Test Result:

    • At the end of the test, the examiner will tell you if you’ve passed or not.
    • You'll get feedback on any faults you made.
    • If you pass, you'll receive a pass certificate and can have your full licence sent to you automatically.

Module 2 Key Points

  • Safety and Compliance: The test is designed to ensure you understand and can apply the principles of safe riding as laid out in The Highway Code.
  • Maneuvers and Control: Demonstrating control of your motorcycle, especially when performing maneuvers like U-turns or emergency stops, is crucial.
  • Observational Skills: Regularly checking mirrors and performing shoulder checks (lifesavers) are essential for safe riding.
  • Responding to Traffic: Understanding and correctly responding to traffic signs, signals, and road markings are integral parts of the test.

Module 2 Preparation Tips

  • Professional Training: Consider additional professional training to polish your skills and increase confidence.
  • Practice Rides: Regularly riding in different conditions can help you become more comfortable and adaptable on the road.
  • Mock Tests: Undergoing mock tests with an instructor can simulate test conditions and help identify areas for improvement.

Successfully passing the Module 2 test is a significant milestone, granting you the freedom and responsibility of riding a motorcycle on UK roads. Preparation, practice, and a calm, focused approach are key to success.

Module 2 Common mistakes

Common mistakes in the Module 2 motorcycle test often stem from a mix of nerves, inexperience, and insufficient practice. Here are some of the typical errors candidates make:

  1. Observation at Junctions: Failing to take effective observation before moving into or out of junctions is a common mistake. This includes not checking mirrors and blind spots adequately.

  2. Mirror Use: Not using mirrors regularly before changing direction or speed is another frequent error. Mirrors should be checked consistently and especially before signaling, changing direction, or altering speed.

  3. Signal Timing: Either forgetting to signal or signaling too early or too late can lead to confusion for other road users. It's important to signal at the appropriate time to convey your intentions clearly.

  4. Positioning: Incorrect road positioning during normal riding, on bends, or in the approach to hazards can be a mistake. It's crucial to position yourself correctly to maximize visibility and safety.

  5. Speed Control: Exceeding the speed limit, or riding too slowly, can both be issues. Appropriate speed for the conditions and within legal limits is essential.

  6. Response to Signs and Signals: Failing to comply with traffic signs, road markings, and traffic lights is a common mistake. Candidates should always observe and correctly respond to these.

  7. Control at Low Speed: Poor control during maneuvers like U-turns or slow riding can lead to faults. Smooth throttle control, clutch use, and balance are key skills to practice.

  8. Lifesavers: Failing to perform 'lifesaver' shoulder checks before carrying out certain maneuvers can result in faults. These checks are crucial for spotting hazards that are not visible in mirrors.

  9. Steering Control: Losing control of the bike, especially during maneuvers or on bends, can be a problem. Maintaining good control and stability of the motorcycle at all times is important.

  10. Nervousness: Letting nerves affect performance is common. While some nervousness is expected, excessive nerves can lead to mistakes.

  11. Not Understanding Instructions: Misinterpreting or forgetting the examiner's instructions during the independent riding section can lead to errors.

Regular practice, familiarization with test routes, and professional training can help mitigate these common mistakes. It's also beneficial to simulate test conditions during practice to build confidence and competence.

Module 2 Tips

Preparing for your motorcycle Module 2 (Mod 2) test involves more than just practicing your riding skills. Here are some top tips to help you succeed:

  1. Know the Format: Familiarize yourself with the structure of the Mod 2 test, including on-road riding, independent riding, and the 'show me, tell me' questions.

  2. Practice on Different Roads: Ride on various types of roads, including urban, rural, and, if possible, motorways, to gain experience in different traffic conditions.

  3. Master the Manoeuvres: Ensure you're comfortable with maneuvers like U-turns, emergency stops, and riding around roundabouts. Consistent practice is key.

  4. Enhance Observation Skills: Constantly scan your environment, use your mirrors effectively, and always perform shoulder checks (lifesavers) before maneuvers.

  5. Understand Road Positioning: Practice proper road positioning for different scenarios, including overtaking, approaching junctions, and navigating bends.

  6. Speed and Distance Control: Be mindful of speed limits and maintain safe stopping distances. Adjust your speed according to traffic, weather, and road conditions.

  7. Signal Intention Clearly: Use indicators timely and ensure they are canceled after a turn or maneuver. Combine them with appropriate road positioning.

  8. Stay Calm and Confident: Nerves can affect your performance. Stay calm, breathe, and focus on the task at hand.

  9. Mock Tests: If possible, take mock tests with a qualified instructor to simulate the test conditions and receive constructive feedback.

  10. Prepare Your Motorcycle: Ensure your motorcycle is roadworthy with all lights, indicators, and brakes functioning correctly.

  11. Check Weather Forecast: Be prepared for the weather conditions on your test day, especially if you need to adjust your riding style (e.g., in wet conditions).

  12. Know the Show Me, Tell Me Questions: Review and practice the 'show me, tell me' questions as these are an essential part of the test.

  13. Wear Appropriate Gear: Use all the safety gear, not just for protection but also to show the examiner you take safety seriously.

  14. Stay within Legal Limits: Observe all traffic laws and ride within legal limits. Avoid any actions that could be considered dangerous or reckless.

  15. Get Enough Rest: Be well-rested before your test day to ensure you're alert and focused.

Remember, the Mod 2 test is as much about demonstrating safe riding habits as it is about showing your technical skills. Good luck!